Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Chapter 5 - Haunted

"So you really think Jenny's apartment is haunted?" Miranda asked.

"It certainly sounds like it," Cassie replied.

"We've prepared for this," Cassie continued.

"You know what to expect."

"So what can I do to help, really?" Miranda asked.

"I'm not completely sure," Cassie admitted. "Mostly, keep Jenny calm and focused... but I know you need to be here."

"Gwen's giving you lessons on vague and mysterious, isn't she?"

"Miranda!" Jenny laughed, throwing her arms around the younger woman. "I'm so glad you're here."

"Wouldn't miss it," Miranda smiled.

"So, how does this work?' Jenny asked.

"We'll start simple," Cassie replied. "I'll create a seance circle and see if I can detect any spiritual volatility in the apartment."

"If we find something," she continued, "we'll decide how to deal with it."

"You done this before?" Jenny asked.

"Eh," Miranda shrugged. "Don't worry. Mom's got this."

"Ummm, is the carpet on fire?" Jenny asked.

"It's fine," Miranda replied. "I'm sure it's fine."

"Well," Cassie said, sitting down the couch. "There is certainly a lot of spiritual energy bound up in this place but I sensed nothing hostile or dangerous."

"So, nothing to worry about," Jenny said.

"No, just a ghost."

Ooookay," Jenny sighed. "Could we talk more about the 'ghost' part for a minute?"

"There are lots of different kinds of ghost," Cassie said. "This one seems to be the spirit of someone who passed away in the apartment. Like I said, the spirit isn't hostile or dangerous. Just... active."

"Mom, do you think you could call this spirit up?" Miranda asked. "If Jenny's got a room-mate, maybe they should meet."

"OK... I guess that's an idea," Jenny said.
"So, you've seen a lot of ghosts?" Jenny asked.

"Not really," Miranda admitted. "Werewolves, vampires... but not many ghosts."

Jenny laughed, "Funny... You're kidding right? Miranda? You're kidding right?!"

"Come to us, spirit," Cassie intoned. "Come to us."

"Oh wow," Jenny breathed. "This is... that's really... oh wow."

"Welcome spirit," Cassie said.

"Wow, Cassie Goth... here in my old apartment," the ghost laughed. "Xander always said you were into this spiritualist stuff."

"Olivia? Olivia Kim-Lewis?"

"Wait, Oliva Kim-Lewis-You-Met-Her-At-Uncle-Xander's-Wedding?" Miranda cried. "This was your apartment? You... you were investigating our disappearance and they killed you! They killed you because of ME! This is all my fault!"

"What do you mean your fault?" Olivia asked.

"If you'd known I was alive..." Miranda started.

"I'd still have investigated," Olivia said. "I'd have investigated the attack and the crime ring behind it and eventually the vampires behind them. They would have come after me, sooner or later. Trust me, being dead gives you a lot of time to think about your life... to think about what you might have done differently. I have a lot of regrets but investigating your case isn't one of them."

"So, umm... hi, I'm Jenny," Jenny said. "I guess you probably know that..."

"It's nice to finally get to say hi, Jenny," the ghost replied. "Like Cassie and Miranda said, I'm Olivia. I used to live here... died here... haunting the place. I've been watching you for a while."

"Oh that's..." Jenny hesitated, "a little creepy and probably really embarrassing actually."

"Oh, you have nothing to be embarrassed about," Olivia laughed. "Well, maybe one or two things... but compared to some stuff I used to get up to... don't worry about it. Mostly, I've been trying to look out for you. I can't do much about handsy casting directors (you guys didn't even notice me) but I managed to scare off that vampire... and make you breakfast."

"So, what happens now?" Jenny asked.

"Well," Cassie said, "We could try to lay Olivia to rest... you could move on to the netherworld."

"Is... is that what you want?" Jenny turned to Olivia.

"I don't know," Olivia said. "I don't think I'm ready yet. You OK with a room-mate? I can't help with rent or anything but I can cook."

"I guess we're good," Jenny said. "Thank you, Cassie."

"Miranda," Olivia said, "please don't blame yourself for what happened to me. I don't. If anything, you helped get me some justice for my death. I felt that very strongly. I just have other things to resolve before I move on..."

"So," the bartender said, "you ladies celebrating something?"

"Jenny met her room-mate," Miranda said. "but she couldn't join us 'cause she's a ghost."

"Right..." the bartender grinned and moved on.

"Hey, if we're celebrating let's do it right," Jenny smiled.

Olivia doesn't blame me, Miranda thought. I guess maybe that is something to celebrate.

Thanks, mom.

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