Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Chapter 28 - The Cabin Boy

"You know," Cassie said as she finished running lines with Miranda, "You're really good at this."

"Thanks mom," Miranda said, "it's kind of fun."

"Do you think it's something you might want to do for real?" Cassie asked.

"What do you mean?" Miranda said.

"Well, the young man who was going to play the Cabin Boy had an accident," Cassie said, "and Judith suggested that you might be able to fill in. It's a small role but if you're interested... and it would be fine if you're n..."

"Are you kidding?" Miranda gasped. "You mean, I'd be in the movie? For real?!"

"Well, honey I..." Cassie started, thinking she might have approached this wrong.

"That would be so totally awesome!" Miranda grinned manically.

"But is the studio going to go for this?" Jenny asked after Cassie told them Miranda had agreed. "I mean, they must have someone who could take the role... like someone who's a professional actor not a..."

"Between the fact that she's already on location, and that both Cassie and I am recommending her, they won't make any objections," Judith said confidently. "I'll make all the arrangements. Now Jenny, why don't you can Cassie help Miranda prepare."

"Remember Zayne," Judith said once she was alone with the actor, "Miranda is a new, young actress... just starting out. I'm sure she'd be very appreciative of all our help and support."

"Hey, I'm always happy to help out prime new talent," Zayne enthused.

"Why did I say I can do this?" Miranda worried. "I can't do this."

"You can totally do it," Jenny said encouragingly. "I've heard you running lines. You'll do great."

"It's ridiculous," Miranda said. "I can't act... and besides, the role is a Cabin Boy. Boy! What, am I supposed to be smuggling coconuts in my shirt?"

"No. Apples maybe but not coconuts," Jenny teased.

"Oh, thanks for that," Miranda laughed.

"Maybe let's not discuss my daughters 'apples'," Cassie put in, worrying a bit about Zayne.

"I mean, our characters would totally have...," Zayne had said earlier that morning.

"No," Cassie had replied firmly. "Absolutely not and let us never... never... speak of it again."

"Do you really think I can do it?" Miranda asked after Cassie had stepped out.

"Absolutely," Jenny smiled. "Come on, I'll help you rehearse."

It was, after all, only a small part but Miranda threw herself into it with passion.

"I will never make fun of mom's acting again," she declared after running through the scene several times.

Rehearse away little girl, Judith fumed. Your abject failure will serve to embarrass your wretched mother, who after all recommended you for the role... as my people will tell the press. If Zayne is fool enough to create a scandal so much the better. This is only the teaser, after all.

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