Three months earlier...
"Big Tony Basso's daughter," Nick Alto mused. "After all these years."
"Nine years, sir," Mr. Grey commented, his mild voice bland, devoid of feeling.
"I suppose you've confirmed it," Alto said.
"Of course, sir," Mr. Grey nodded. "The girl's information led us directly to Janet Hara... confirmed by two men who knew her in Tartosa... and state records back up her story. Teen runaway. Sealed juvenile record in Sulani - petty theft and prostitution. There are charges against a Rocco Christman, Hara's common law husband, for sexual assault... charges dropped after he gave evidence in a drug investigation. He was subsequently killed."
"Raped her - a child - and the state let him off," Alto snorted. "Nice of someone to save me the trouble of killing him."
"The girl was placed in foster care," Mr. Grey continued his cold recitation. "Adopted by Londyn and Danielle Huntley of Tartosa. Some curious activity there. Certain barriers removed by outside parties."
"Do we know why?" Alto asked.
"Not yet, sir," Mr. Grey replied, a momentary hitch in his voice betraying his irritation at not immediately having an answer. He continued, his equanimity restored, "Another sealed juvenile record in Tartosa - theft and misdemeanor drug possession - all cleaned up, mostly legally, by the Huntleys. She's been largely kept out of the media, despite her adoptive mothers' joint fame... though there are some mentions of an association with..."
"Miranda Silveroak-Goth," Alto smiled. "Grey, sometimes when you least expect it, life deals you a straight flush."
"I would advise caution, sir," Mr. Grey said.
"Don't you always?" Alto laughed.
"Shall I contact our... associate?" Mr. Grey asked.
"No, not yet," Alto said pensively. "Let's play this your way for now... I want to know more about Mariah Basso. Arrange a meeting with her, here."
"Yes sir," Mr. Grey nodded. "And Ms. Hara?"
"Keep an eye on her," Alto said, "but there's no need to act, for now."
"Yes sir," Mr. Grey nodded again.
"I can't believe it," Mariah cried. "I can't believe it!"
"I'm afraid it's true, my dear," Nick Alto said soothingly. "The Agency murdered your father. They call us criminals but we, the Families, have a code of honor. The Agency has none. They killed your father in cold blood and God knows what they would have done to you. Your mother must have run to protect you..."
"Col cazzo," Mariah swore, "that puttana ran to save her own ass. She probably got a discount on airfare bringing me along."
"Perhaps," Alto agreed cautiously.
"Why?" Mariah snarled. "Tell me why."
"Your father was in charge of all our operations in Tartosa," Alto explained. "That might have been reason enough for those Agency assholes but, at that time, we were negotiating a deal with... other parties. A deal that would have put the Altos above those Landgraab bastards. Big Tony, your father, was a major part of those negotiations. When he died, the deal died with him."
"For a deal?" Mariah snarled. "They killed him to block a fottuto deal?"
"Yes," Alto said gravely. "I am sorry that Janet ran... and took you with her. We could have protected you both. In fact, I promised your father I would if anything happened to him. You would have grown up here... with your real family. Eventually, you would have even taken your place in the family business."
"Really?" Mariah said, taking a deep breath.
"It's what your father would have wanted," Alto assured her. "For you to be part of the Family."
"Huh." Mariah looked thoughtful.
"We are your family, Mariah," Alto said warmly. "I... I owe it to your father, to make up for all those lost years. You... you have a place here. If you want it?"
"Did you know?" Mariah demanded into the phone.
"Know what?" Londyn answered, shaken by the rage in her daughter's voice. "I don't understand what you're saying."
"The Agency murdered my father," Mariah snapped. "Liberty's Agency! You've told me before that Liberty helped smooth over some things when you adopted me... used her Agency contacts. So, the Agency that murdered my father arranged for you to adopt me?! Did you know?!"
"No, honey," Londyn insisted. "I can't imagine... I'm shocked. Listen, you're upset... come home. We'll talk to Liberty. We'll figure this out together."
"Col cazzo!" Mariah snarled. "I'll figure this out on my own!"
"Marco," Alto said, "I want you to take Mariah and set her up with your new crew. See how she handles the business."
"Sure, I can do that," Marco nodded.
"Is this wise, sir?" Mr. Grey asked. "Ms. Basso is an unknown quantity with ties to a number of dangerous parties... including the Agency. Exposing the business to her is a risk. Also, I must point out that there is always a possibility, however slim, of her learning the truth about her father's death."
"When God deals you a hand this good, Grey, you bet big," Alto replied. "Beside, Marco will keep an eye on her. Won't you Marco?"
"I'll take care of it, boss," Marco grinned.