Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Bad Moon Rising - Chapter 9

To Demarco's surprise, it turned out Moonwood Mill had a library - converted from an abandoned factory and with a respectable collection of books. She was actually more surprised to discover that Lou played chess.

The library computers might be the finest in thirty-year-old technology, but at least they could connect to the internet (after a fashion). It wasn't like Moonwood Mill had WiFi anyway. Demarco could barely get a cell phone signal up here. 

The head librarian was a friendly older gentleman named Wolfgang. (Demarco was immediately reminded of a line from an old Spiderman movie she'd seen - "Guy named Otto Octavius winds up with eight limbs... What are the odds?")

"It's amazing what you've done here," Demarco told him.

"Well thank you," Wolfgang replied. "I'm glad you appreciate it. Members of the community have given a lot of time and energy to make it what it is. Even Rory helped, by setting up a gymnasium in the back."

"Plus, you've got a great collection of werewolf folklore and fiction," Demarco added. "I guess that shouldn't be a surprise."

Wolfgang laughed. "Well, it's subject many of us here are passionate about... and a topic I've been researching for years. Also, there is a little 'cheating' in putting together the fiction collection. It's mostly publisher proofs of my own books."

"You wrote some these?" Demarco asked. 

"Yes," Wolfgang said. "In part I'm trying to provide some guidance to new werewolves, sneaking enough truth into the fiction to hopefully help those who don't have a pack to guide them. I'm also trying to encourage the idea of the 'friendly neighborhood werewolf' in popular culture. It will take some work, I know. The vampires have spent decades using the media to push the view that werewolves are mindless, savage beasts."

"Wow, that's really cool," Demarco said. "Wait, vampires? Vampires are real?"


"Hey," Amid the surprising number of locals in the library, Demarco recognized a somewhat familiar face. "It's... Betty, was it?"

"Etta," the young woman replied stiffly.

"Right, sorry," Demarco winced. "When we met, I was kinda..."

"Semi-conscious, feverish, and generally going through a lot," Etta supplied.

"Yeah," Demarco said weakly. "Anyway... sit with me? Please."

"I wanted to thank you, and ask you to thank Lily for me," Demarco said, as Etta joined her on the couch. "You guys took really good care of me while I was... you know... and I just ran out on you. I feel bad about that."

"I'm just glad it worked out for you," Etta replied, "and don't feel bad. I'm the one who's sorry... I should have done more to try and stop you from running off, but frankly getting in the way of a cranky werewolf - or even soon-to-be werewolf - isn't something I'm very comfortable doing."

"Yeah. No, I totally get that," Demarco nodded, "and, like you said, it worked out fine. So, thank you."

"Anyway, we never really got introduced," she continued. "I'm Lux Demarco. Everyone just calls me Demarco."

"Claudette Blackwood," Etta said, a little coolly, "but everyone here calls me Etta."

"So," Demarco added quietly, "you're a werewolf too."

"No," Etta said shortly. 

"Oh, I thought..." Demarco started.

"Listen, Ms. Demarco," Etta said. "I'm glad things worked out for you, and I'll be sure to pass your thanks along to Lily. I'm just not looking to share my dark secrets with a stranger today. I know you're just trying to be friendly, and you seem like a nice person. So, let me give you some advice - you don't want to be my friend. It just ends badly."

"It's just Demarco," she said to Etta's departing back.

Strangerville Mystery - Ch 2 - Curious Curios

Main Street, Rangerville, Tuesday, May 4, 2021, 8:20 PM As Molly's feet pounded against the dusty sidewalk, she realized she felt pretty...