Sunday, May 28, 2023

Chapter 44 - On Plans and Identity

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Miranda asked.

"Seriously?" Mariah replied. "For the past few months, I've been trying to take my classes, commit crimes with Marco's crew while passing information about them to the Agency and convince the vampire puttana who murdered my father that I'm only using you for money and sex... and now you ask me if this is a good idea?"

"Yeah, well, I have a warped sense of normal," Miranda admitted.

"I think this might be a chance to get us back to a less warped normal," Mariah sighed.

"OK, explain that to me," Miranda insisted.

"Like I told you, Marco and H have a meeting with the leader of another crew and with someone high in Alto's organization and, with a little help from Snow, I'm going to bug the meeting and we're going to listen in," Mariah said.

"Again, is this a good idea and how does this help?" Miranda pressed the point.

"Marco and Nick have been keeping me isolated from the Family," Mariah said. "Technically, I'm just an 'associate,' not an actual member... 

"Because you haven't actually killed anyone for them," Miranda said, "which is a Good Thing."

"... but, also, I think they don't really trust me," Mariah continued.

"Which, given that you are actually spying on them, is kinda smart," Miranda pointed out.

"Will you let me finish?" Mariah grumbled.


"Right now, I've given Liberty enough to take down the Britechester crew, but that's small potatoes," Mariah continued. "Stolen goods, hijacking, gambling and she could maybe break up the prostitution ring... but the Britechester crew's just me, Carla, Pretty and Marco. Marco is the only major player I've got anything on and it's not enough. Even if they can convict him, he'll do the time laughing and be back running a new crew in a few years. 

"I've got nothing on H," she sighed.

"Nothing?" Miranda blinked, surprised.

"She's canny," Mariah sighed again. "She isn't actually involved in anything the Britechester crew is doing. Not directly or in any way I can prove, anyway. I know she's involved with Alto, like I know she was involved in your kidnapping, but I can't prove anything... and just being a vampire puttana isn't fucking illegal.

"This meeting is my chance," Mariah continued. "My chance to get Marco on something more than the Britechester crew. Hopefully, my chance to get something... anything...  on H. It has to be. It has to."

"What is it?" Miranda recognized Mariah's desperate need and worry.

"I don't know how much longer we've got," Mariah admitted. "The term is almost over... Ms. H isn't going to wait forever. She's after you and plans to use me to get you. I think she's going to make her move... soon. I need to make mine first."

"Our little M&M's have their heads together and they're not even making out," Aadi teased, wandering in from the backyard and dropping into a seat at the dining table. "What are you two up to?"

"Plotting world domination," Mariah snarked. 

"Better you than my dad," Genie said, wandering in after Aadi. "Sorry, did you guys want to be alone?"

"No, we're good," Miranda said with a false smile. 

Mariah was sure Miranda had more to say, but was willing to let it go. She knew neither of them was going to change the other's mind anyway.

"So what are you guys... hey, was that the door?" Mariah said, surprised by a knock.

"I'm up. I'll get it," Genie said.

"Mom?!" Genie gasped. "What are you doing here?"

"Hello honey," Luna smiled. "I found myself in the area and I thought I'd drop by."

"Great," Genie couldn't hide her shock. "Um, come in."

"Guys, this is my mom, Luna Elderberry," Genie said. "Mom, you've met Miranda before... and this is Mariah and..."

"Of course," Luna smiled. "Miranda, I was so pleased when Genevieve told me you two had become friends... and Mariah, of course I know your foster mothers from the charity scene. They're such kind and generous ladies."

"Yeah, they are," Mariah said, feeling herself bristling. 

"... and this is Aadi, mom," Genie said.

"A pleasure," Luna said offhandedly, "Genevieve has told me so much about you."

"Charmed," Aadi replied with a smirk.

"Well, since I'm here, I thought I'd take you all to lunch," Luna continued. "I remember appreciating a good free lunch during my college days, especially near the end of term when the budget got tight, even if it did mean dealing with someone's parent."

"That would be lovely," Aadi said with their usual bright, if now somewhat false, cheer.

"Oh Genevieve, you should put something on," Luna added, wrinkling her nose at Genie's sweatshirt and jeans, "and maybe try to fix your hair dear."


"So, Aadi, tell me a little bit about yourself," Luna said cheerfully. 

Free lunch aside, the tension among the roommates was almost visible in the air. Mariah was doing her best to keep hold of her temper. The impending dangers of spying on tonight's meeting and the associated worry radiating off Miranda already had her on edge. Adding Luna Elderberry's almost cheerful dismissal of everything that was "Genie" about Genie, and Mariah was ready to punch someone.

"... anyway, my dad teaches yoga now and mom's a full-time bartender, part-time painter," Aadi was saying. "I think I get my love of art from her and spending time the big gallery in the City."

"That's lovely," Luna smiled. "Genevieve said you're studying Art History. I sometimes wish I'd given more time to art. You're a very fortunate young man."

Miranda winced. Mariah snarled. Aadi smiled politely, opening their mouth to correct her. 

It was Genie who snapped.

"Mom, I told you, Aadi identifies as non-binary," Genie said forcefully.

"Well, yes you did but..." Luna started.

"I know it can be confusing to some people," Aadi said gently but firmly. "I don't see myself as a young man, or a young woman for that matter. Neither gender alone really describes Who I Am. I'm a little of both and lot of something else... something that's just me. I use "they" and "them" as pronouns."

"I'm sorry, but it just seems... unnecessary," Luna said.

"It's necessary," Aadi replied, still polite but a little more firm, "because it's who I am. I have the right to define myself, in my terms, and be my truest and most authentic self. 

They smiled, "Mrs. Elderberry, you work in Finance. That's a very male-dominated field. I'm sure some of the men you've worked with tried to impose their idea of What a Woman Should Be on you... and I'm just as sure you didn't allow it. You stood by Who You Are and you expect people to respect that. This isn't so different."

"That's... a very interesting way of looking at it, Aadi," Luna said thoughtfully.

"Respecting someone's chosen gender and pronouns is like," Aadi paused and looking directly at Genie with a slight smile, "using the name they prefer. It's just being respectful of them, as a person."

"Thank you, Aadi... and I'm sorry," Luna said glancing between Aadi and her daughter, a thoughtful expression on her face.

"Forgive me, ma'am, but I hope you can explain it to your husband," Aadi continued seriously. "Some of the laws he's been supporting in the Lower House haven't be very respectful of the LGBTQ+ community."

"Well, Rohan is a member of the Conservative coalition, Aadi," Luna said. "He doesn't personally always agree with some of their legislation but he has to consider the interests of his supporters. It's just politics." 

"Ma'am, it's just politics for him," Miranda put in. "For Aadi, for Mariah and for me, it's our lives."

"Well," Luna said thoughtfully, "this has been a more... interesting... lunch than I expected. But, thank you for that. I will think about what you've said."

Lobo's Den - Afterword

If you find yourself asking - what was that? - well, that's OK. Lobo's Den was a bit of fun and a bit of an experiment. I have, for ...