"Recapping out top story, on the disappearance of acclaimed musician Cassie Goth."
"Authorities are not releasing details but at this time we know that
Cassie, along with her daughter Miranda and wife Gwen, are missing and
there are signs of violence at the family's home in Old New Henford.
There are unconfirmed reports that some, perhaps all, of the family have
been killed..."
In times of tragedy, one seeks comfort. Mortimer looked for his comfort in the routine of his regular chess match with a friend.
"How... how could she be gone? My daughter, Vlad... I can't even reach her spirit. I've tried... oh, how I've tried... but I can't find her."
"My dear friend," Vlad hissed soothingly. "I am so... sorry... for your loss. Keep searching. I know you will find her spirit... and please, keep more informed of anything more you learn about this tragedy. I wish to help in any way I can."
"Thank you, Vlad," Mortimer replied. "I don't know what I would do without your support?"
Leaving, Mortimer felt a renewed purpose. Cassandra's spirit was out there and, as a skilled medium, Mortimer was sure he could make contact with her.
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