Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Chapter 22 - Secrets and Plans

Summer was fading into fall. The cool twilight of the evening, Miranda played her violin and wondered what the fall would bring.

The sight of a lone figure, walking along the path from the town center, caught her eye... though at first she wasn't sure what it was captured her attention.

"Mom?" Miranda blinked. "Mom!"

"You're... you're here?!? I knew it! I knew you couldn't be dead! What happened? Where Gwen? Is she OK? What are you doing here?"

"Do you have any idea what I've been through?!?" Miranda ranted.

The whole story came pouring out of her... that terrible night, wandering lost and alone in the woods, Bluebell and the encounter with the old hermit, finding Moonwood Mill and the Volkovs...

"Werewolves! Vampires and werewolves and boys... and you just left me alone?!?"

"Oh, darling," Cassie hugged her daughter fiercely. "I'm so sorry for all of this. You've been through so much... and I have so much to tell you... but I am so, so proud of you."

"Come on, mom," Miranda said at last. "Come meet Volkov's"

Jake, shocked by meeting one of his musical idols, was incoherent...

... Kristopher was more composed.

He and Cassandra spoke at some length, apart from the others. When they were finished, the witch and the master werewolf had come to an agreement.

Cassie and Miranda had a long talk too...

... and Jake, at least, managed to get an autograph...

... before Cassie left.

"OK, can we start with... why did you tell us your mom is a superstar!?!" Beth wanted to know.

"Well, to be fair... you guys didn't tell me you were werewolves," Miranda replied.

"No, no, no... you've know were were werewolves for months," Jake said. "You still never told us your mom was Cassie. Like Cassie!... and I got her autograph and everything... she's amazing."

"... and hot," Nick added. "You said she was hot."

"Gross, Nick," Miranda groaned. "That's my mom!"

"OK, now guys, seriously," Miranda said. "Focus... I have like serious stuff to tell you."

"Like, why your mom left and you still here?" Beth asked. "I thought, since your mom found you, she'd be taking you home."

"Right," Miranda started...

"OK, first you know my mom is married to Gwen Silveroak. Gwen's a witch... I mean not like me or even my mom. Gwen's a witch like Kristopher is a werewolf. There's this house... Glimmerbrook Watch... that's been her family for generations. The witches of Glimmerbrook Watch are protectors of some kind of important magical artifact...

"Vladislaus Straud, the master vampire, wants to control of the artifact. To do that, my mom says he needs to break the spells protecting it and those spells were tied to the coven somehow. When Gwen was little, he killed her family and tried to break the spells... but Gwen survived.
(With thanks to one Wooldrop who I believe designed the Glimmerbrook Watch house I found in the Gallery. - L)

"Mom says Vlad waited... because he's a vampire so he's got time... to see if the spells would fade but they didn't. I guess Gwen had kind of inherited them. When Gwen married my mom, and then I turned out to be a witch too, they guess Vlad decided Gwen was trying to rebuild the Glimmerbrook Watch coven. (To be fair, she probably was.) So, he tried to kill us all.

"He doesn't know, yet, that mom and Gwen survived... but he knows I did. Mom says I'm safest staying here, with you guys, because Vlad isn't going to risk provoking werewolves. So, she says I need to stay here where you all can protect me, while she and Gwen find a way to deal with Vlad.

"... but that's not all," Miranda continued. "Mom mentioned that a long time ago witches and werewolves fought the vampires."

"Yeah," said Jake. "My dad talks about it sometimes. He never says much but I guess it was kind of a secret war."

"I know and from some of the things I've read in your dad's library it sounds like there are secrets and artifacts, left over from that conflict that might be hidden here, in Moonwood Mill," Miranda said. "If we can find them, maybe I can do more than just hide here with you guys. Maybe we can help!"

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