In the darkest part of the year, under the dark of the moon...
"At last," he hissed.
"Faust with me," Vlad commanded.
"The rest you," he continued, "kill everyone in the house. Tonight, I will have my victory. Let there be no survivors."
"The rest you," he continued, "kill everyone in the house. Tonight, I will have my victory. Let there be no survivors."
"Gwen, Miranda... follow Vlad!" Cassie charged down the front steps.
"We'll deal with these and catch up!"
"Delay them, Faust," Vlad hissed, racing down the path toward the gate.
"I'll slow him down!" Miranda cried.
"Miranda, no!"
"The last Silveroak," Faust jeered. "Face me."
"Maybe I'll let you remember this time," Gwen grinned fiercely.
"I'll slow him down!" Miranda cried.
"Miranda, no!"
"The last Silveroak," Faust jeered. "Face me."
"Maybe I'll let you remember this time," Gwen grinned fiercely.
"Now," Vlad hissed, "there is nothing to stop me."
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