The Guardians of Glimmerbrook Watch

The Guardians of Glimmerbrook Watch are a coven of witches, dedicated to protecting the Glimmerbrook Portal, which leads to the Magic Realm. There are always three Guardians - the Elder, the Mother, and the Maiden. 

Miranda Silveroak-Goth

Miranda is a young witch, finding her way in a world full of love, magic and danger. Daughter of Cassie Goth and Don Lothario, Miranda is the current Maiden Guardian. (Original Character)

Appears in Year of the Wolf, Unguarded Heart, Short Stories, College Years, Raven's Apprentice

Cassandra "Cassie" Goth

Cassie is a world-renowned musical superstar and actress, popularly known as the Raven Witch. Miranda’s mother, she is married to Gwen Silveroak. Cassie is, secretly, an actual witch and the current Mother Guardian. (Sims 4 Base Game)

Appears in Year of the Wolf, Unguarded Heart, Short Stories, College Years, Bad Moon Rising, Raven's Apprentice

Gwenivar “Gwen” Silveroak

Gwen is a witch from the ancient Silveroak bloodline, one of the First Families of Glimmerbrook. Gifted with the power of foresight, Gwen is known in Occult circles as the White Witch of Glimmerbrook. She is also Cassie Goth’s wife and Miranda’s adoptive mother. As a child, Gwen was the Maiden Guardian. Now she is the Elder Guardian.  (Original Character)

Appears in Year of the Wolf, Unguarded Heart, Short Stories, College Years, Bad Moon Rising, Raven's Apprentice

Ceridwen and Arianrhod Silveroak

Ceridwen (R), Gwen's grandmother, was the original Elder Guardian and a gifted alchemist.

Arianrhod (L), Gwen's mother, was the Mother Guardian and a talented Practical witch. 

They were both killed in an attack on Glimmerbrook Watch, and their ghosts linger in the old house. (Original Characters)

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View from the Mountain, pt 4

'Tis but a few seasons to immortals. Mariah leaned against the broken wall outside the cottage, Lucius's words echoing in her heart....