Friday, July 14, 2023

Chapter 57 - Forever

Who Wants to Live Forever by Queen

There's no time for us / There's no place for us

What is this thing that builds our dreams, yet slips away from us

Who wants to live forever / Who wants to live forever

There's no chance for us / It's all decided for us

This world has only one sweet Moment set aside for us

Who wants to live forever

Who wants to live forever

Who dares to love forever

When love must die


"Please," Miranda breathed. "Please don't leave me."

"Maybe we can't grow old together," Mariah said, "but I'll take every minute I can get. If you'll share them with me."

"Yes," Miranda sobbed. "Oh, yes!"


But touch my tears with your lips / Touch my world with your fingertips

And we can have forever / And we can love forever

Forever is our today


"Wyrd. Fate. I asked Gwen once how, if the things that happen to us are fixed, can we have free will. I think I understand now. Things happen... we get horribly sick or fired from our jobs or... if you're me... your family gets attacked by vampires. We can't control those things. We can't change them. All we can do is decide how we're going to deal with them... and in that choice, we are free.

"Gwen says Fate is a riddle, and we choose our own answer....

"My name is Miranda Silver-oak Goth and I choose love.


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