Saturday, July 15, 2023

Author's Note - The End?

"Hold on... wait one minute there! What do you mean The End?! 

"This can't be The End! There are these unresolved things! Vlad's back for Pity's Sake! And then there's that Faust guy and Max V... they're still out there!  What was going on in Moonwood Mill that kept Miranda's mom's from getting involved? What ever happened to that nice young couple, Jake and Beth? What about Jenny Poole? What happens to Genie... and to me? 

"This can't be The End!"

Calm down, Aadi.

First, yes... this is The End of Wyrd Girls. 

Aadi makes some good points, of course. There are a lot of unresolved storylines but first and foremost, Wyrd Girls has always been the supernatural coming of age story of Miranda... and, in College Years, Mariah. Frankly, coming of age stories involving young women, usually with a fantasy or sci-fi twist, are a particular favorite genre of mine. So, without really planning it at first, I set about to write one. 

We've watched Miranda and Mariah grow, through adversity and love, from uncertain teens into strong women. That story has reached its end.

I want to thank everyone who has been with me throughout this process. I especially want to thank my wonderful wife, Juno, who has been my sounding board, my constant reader (whether she wanted to be or not) and - from around the start of College Years - my editor (you may have noticed the dramatic reduction in typos). I also want to thank DaniRose2143, from the Sims forums, for her support and encouragement and for her letting me borrow her characters Londyn and Danielle. Without them, there would be no Mariah and this story just wouldn't be the same. Finally, I want to thank my readers... I know there are at least one of two of you out there.

So, that's it. I promised Dani a happy ending. She tells me I kept that promise.

Of course, to quote Peter S. Beagle's The Last Unicorn - "There are no happy endings, because nothing ends."

So, yeah, Wyrd Girls is done... but there are more Wyrd Tales to tell.

I've already started playing around with some of the ideas Aadi mentioned. I'm not sure when I'll start updating again. I'm also a little undecided as to whether to start a new blog or continue this one, but there will be more stories.

- Leo 

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