Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Chapter 34 - Night-time Mischief

So, Mariah thought, the files are classified are they, Liberty? That means there are files. Files I bet you have, Director Lee-Rossi, hidden somewhere close by.

It wasn't a long walk, through the cool dark of a Tartosan winter night from Villa Romanza to the little house Liberty and her husband Matteo kept on the edge of town. Mariah had walked it many times, to visit their son Angelo. In fact, she'd done the walk on darker nights than this, sneaking out to meet Angelo and his girlfriend Tomi and make some kind of mischief together.

She wondered, suddenly curious, where Tomi was tonight. Sometime during dinner, Angelo had mentioned he was dating someone else now, but Mariah hadn't really been paying attention. It didn't matter, she supposed. This wasn't a night of teenage mischief with old friends (or whatever Tomi was).

Seriously, Liberty? You're a spy master... you should really have better locks on the door.

Now, where in this house do you keep hidden files. I know you have an hidden office here. The question is, where...

No way! Seriously?! A hidden door behind a bookcase? That's... kind of awesome.

Madonna! Liberty, the '70s called... they want their spaceship back.

Alright, weird computer in the secret spaceship office behind the hidden bookcase-door... if classified files are going to be anywhere, this is it. Now, what is your password?

Not bad, kid, Liberty smiled, switching off the silent alarm as she checked the monitors. Not bad.

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