Thursday, March 30, 2023

Interlude - The Dark Court

"My Lady, my Lord," the Baron said in a deep and musical voice. "It is time."

"He has not come, again," the Margrave mused. "You know what they will ask."

"Our answer does not change," the White Lady replied. "We will hold to the traditions he, himself, laid out." 

Turning slightly, she added, "You will speak for us, Baron Samedi."

"You honor me," the Baron bowed.

"We gather here, in this noble place, on this darkest night, as we have done for centuries," Baron Samedi intoned. "Children of the Night, come forward. The nobles of the Dark Court will hear your petitions."

"My Lord and Lady," Ms. H stepped forward. "I ask you to once again hear my petition. It has now been three winters since Count Straud has take his seat in your august company. We all know he was defeated in his attempt to breach the Glimmerbrook Gate. It is past time to choose his successor and let them take their place upon the Court."

"I would welcome the opportunity," Lilith answered proudly. "Everyone knows that Count Straud raised and groomed me to be his successor."

"That was before you turned from him!" Ms. H snapped. "You would have us lay down with cattle. You are unworthy to speak before this Court!"

"I would have us make peace with mortals, yes," Lilith said. "and live among them, in secret but as equals."

"Mortals are food," Ms. H snorted. "A few among them are good servants and only the best are worthy to be turned."

"Lady Hel, Lady Vatore, please," Baron Samedi interrupted. "You have both, I think, been too long among mortals. You are impatient. Three years is but a moment for we who are immortal."

"Still," he continued, "it is true that Count Straud's absence, and his defeat, are concerning to Court. It may be time for another to take his seat... but we have heard this petition before. The nobles of the Court see no reason to change their ruling and break with tradition.

"As Count Straud himself laid out when he convened the first Dark Court, any who wish take the place of a Noble of the Court, must defeat that Noble. Should a Noble be defeated by one who is not of our kind, then a claimant must defeat the one who bested them."

"Lady Hel, Lady Vatore... if you either of you wish to take Count Straud's seat on the Court, you must bring the one who defeated Count Straud before us. You must drain the power and life-blood of the witch, Miranda Silveroak-Goth."


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