Monday, March 20, 2023

Chapter 30 - Darkness

 "Can we talk?" Miranda asked.

It had been a week since Halloween and their shouting match. A week of strained smiles, polite conversations about nothing and occasion bouts of desperate, passionate sex. 

Nothing had changed.

"I don't know." Mariah said miserably. "What is there to say, really?"

"I'm worried about you," Miranda insisted.

"I know. You said that," Mariah said. "You want me to stop. Stop what exactly?"

"Uh, I don't know... maybe crime!" Miranda gasped. "I think not being involved in crime would be good."

"You don't understand," Mariah sighed.

"Then explain it to me," Miranda pressed.

"I can't," Mariah said, "and I can't just walk away from it... from Uncle Nick, from my crew... I can't."

"Can you... I don't know, cut back?" Miranda said. "Don't stay out so late. Maybe don't get into fights and stuff that will definitely get you arrested."

"I can try to get home earlier," Mariah conceded.

"Maybe stop using," Miranda added.

"It's just a little pick-me-up, to get started in the mornings," Mariah insisted. Then she added, "Which I won't need if I get home earlier, so OK. I promise."

"I love you," Miranda said.

"I love you too," Mariah smiled weakly. "I'm... I'm sorry."


"I mean, she's not wrong," Mariah said to Ms. H a couple of nights later. "I am doing too much... and it's stupid to be using." 

"Well, that is true," Ms. H purred sympathetically.  

"I'm sure Uncle Nick will understand," Mariah continued. "I'm not turning my back on the Family, after all. I just need to focus on college."

"Is it college that you're focused on?" Ms. H asked gently. "I mean, of course... you need to focus on what's important. Just, be sure that what you're focusing on is really worth what you're giving to it."

"You think it isn't?" Mariah asked cautiously.

"Well, college is certainly important," Ms. H said, "and, of course, your... friends... are important. Provided they really are your friends and really do feel for you what you feel for them."

"They are. Important," Mariah said.

"Good," Ms. H smiled, rising. "Well, I'll be going."

"Oh Mariah, one more thing," she turned back slowly.

Mariah felt a sudden stabbing headache, that made the room seem to blur and spin. As quickly as it came, it was gone, leaving a sense of peace.

"Come to me, my dear," the vampire purred.

"I wonder," Ms. H continued, "are you sure Miranda is a faithful friend? You've said she's been... doing a lot... with Genie."

"Did I?" Mariah replied. It was so hard to concentrate. "Yes, I did, didn't I?"

"Exchanging those little looks, those secret little jokes," Ms. H whispered. "Little jokes at your expense perhaps."

"In the kitchen," Mariah nodded. "No, I'm... I'm just being jealous again..."

"She's the one who's jealous," Ms. H hissed. "Jealous of you, of your place in the Family. You're not the weak, broken girl anymore. You're protecting Britechester."

"Yes," Mariah sighed. "It's my town. I protect it."

"She doesn't love you. Not like I do," Ms. H's voice was so soft, Mariah no longer knew if she heard it or felt it in her mind.


"Hey," Miranda greeted her as she got home. "It's late."

"Something came up," Mariah deflected. 

"Are you OK?" Miranda looked concerned. 

"Porco miseria, I'm fine. It's nothing," Mariah said as the thought popped into her head, she is jealous. "I'm doing important things you know."

"Important?" Miranda tried not scoff.

"Si, importante!" Mariah exploded. "You know Ms. Big Time Magical Guardian, you're not the only one who has important stuff. This is my town and I'm actually doing something to protect it."

"Seriously?" Miranda gasped. "Protect it? How? Extorting money from businesses? Or is the stolen goods you sell that protects people?"

"Dio santo! If it wasn't me, it would be the Landgraabs or someone worse," Mariah shouted back. "What do you care anyway? Porca puttana, don't you and Genie have enough to do together to keep you satisfied?"

"I can't," Miranda sobbed. "I can't talk to you when you're like this. I... I can't do this anymore."

"Al diavolo!" Mariah shouted. "I'm going to bed!"

Madonna, she thought as she stormed away, what have I done?

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