Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Chapter 21 - Love Takes Many Forms

"Hey guys," Mariah took a seat wearily, "Gabbie and Anthony at it again?"

"I know," Aadi sighed theatrically, "all that shocking heterosexuality."

"Hey," Genie put in, "straight girl here."

"We love you anyway, girlfriend," Aadi grinned.

"So, what have you been up to today?" Miranda asked.

"I went to the library after class," Mariah said.

"You still looking into your dad's death?" Genie said gently.

"Well, kind of," Mariah said. "I was looking into the mysterious Mr. Alto. You said he's one of your dad's supporters but you know, I couldn't find him on his donor lists."

"I'm sorry I can't remember more about him," Genie said. "All those creepy old guys who grab my butt kind of blur together."

"Well, I'll smack him for that when I find him," Mariah said comfortably, "but I still haven't found him.  Did find something though."

"I was researching your dad a little, Genie," Mariah continued. "You know he went here, right? I found some pictures from the campus paper... campus couples sending pictures in for Love Day. Have a look."

"Oh my God," Genie gasped. "That's my dad and... is that... Miranda, is this your mom?!"

"Wait, there's more," Mariah said.

"That's my mom!" Genie said, shocked. "That's my mom and Gwen! And my mom has a nose piercing?! I need to sit down."

"So that's what mom meant," Miranda laughed.

"What? Meant what?' Genie blinked, confused.

"Sharesies!" Aadi crooned.

"Well, she said her best 'making out in the dorm' story wasn't with Gwen," Miranda said. "It must have been with your dad, Genie."

"Wow," Mariah said. "I always thought your mom and Gwen were together in college."

"They were," Miranda replied simply.

"But if she was with Mr. Elderberry and Gwen was with Genie's mom..." Mariah blinked, confused.

"Well, Gwen's weird," Miranda mused. "I remember her being really confused about a love triangle story in a movie. She didn't understand why they couldn't just all be happy together. Mom and I tried to explain it to her... but she said one of her weird Gwen things that you can never argue with."

"What did she say?" Genie asked.

"She said 'If true love is absolute and unconditional, how can it be exclusive?'" Miranda said.

"Whoa," Aadi blinked.

"That's... that not..." Mariah stammered.

"Don't look at me," Genie shrugged. "I walked in on my dad messing around with an intern once. You should have heard him trying to explain why he was 'having a meeting' with his pants down."

"What did your mom say?" Mariah asked, shocked.

"Oh, I didn't tell her," Genie said, "besides, she's banging her personal trainer."

"Your family values candidate, folks," Aadi laughed.

"What about you," Genie asked, a little snippy.

"Oh, my folks are boring," Aadi said. "Mom would kill dad if he messed around."

"See," Mariah said.

"Honey, Love takes many forms," Aadi replied. "As long as it's safe, sane and consensual, I'm never gonna say one is better than another."

"I... I hear you, but," Mariah stammered, looking at Miranda, "I can't..."

"Hey," Miranda moved quickly to her girlfriend's side and pulled her gently to her feet. "I'm not asking you to."

"I'm selfish, OK," Mariah said softly. "I don't want to share you."

"I'm not asking you to," Miranda repeated.

"But you could... share?" Mariah breathed.

"I don't know," Miranda admitted. "Honestly, I don't and it doesn't matter. I love you. That's what matters."

"OK, you two," Aadi interrupted, "take this sappy display someplace private before you embarrass poor innocent Genie."

"Shush you," Genie snapped. "Also, not innocent here."

"OK, OK," Mariah laughed, adding to Miranda, "Come on. I think Aadi has some good advice, for once."

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