Monday, February 6, 2023

Chapter 20 - College Romances

"Hey there girlfriend," Aadi grinned as Miranda joined them and Genie on the couch. "Where is the rest of my little M&Ms?"

"In class," Miranda replied with a heavy sigh, "or maybe in the library. This term sucks. Why are we out here anyway?"

"Gabbie and Anthony are... studying," Genie flushed.

"Studying Bi-ol-oh-oh-Ooooh-Geee!" Aadi smirked. "Those two have been going At It for weeks."

"I know," Genie moaned. "I walked in on them once."

"Girlfriend? You're just telling us this now?" Aadi squealed. "Details."

"No!" Genie blushed.

Aadi and Miranda just stared at her.

"No!" Genie laughed, blushing  more. "Besides, I didn't... like... watch or anything. I left... like almost right away. They didn't even know I was there."

"Almost right away?" Miranda grinned.

"Anyway," Genie blushed, "what about you, Aadi? What's going on with you and a certain blond preppy guy."

"Oh, Sheldon and I are Going On," Aadi nodded.

"Really?" Miranda grinned.

"Well, kind of," Aadi admitted. "Shel-boy is... exploring his interests. We're having some F-U-N, but it's not serious."

"Oh," Miranda replied, feeling a little disappointed. 

"Don't feel bad, girlfriend," Aadi grinned. "Aadi doesn't mind a little fun. Not everything has to be True Love."

"Genie, make our little romantic feel better," they continued. "Tell her about you and your Carlos."

"I mean, he's... sweet," Genie smiled. "I don't know about true love, but I think... we're good."

"Girlfiend, your Latin lover is more than good," Aadi smirked.

"Oh, like you know?" Genie blushed.

"Honey, your bed is just the other side of a very thin wall from my bed," Aadi's smirk grew. "You naughty girl."

"Oh my God," Genie blushed. 

The three of them dissolved in laughter.

"So, yes, Carlos is charming, romantic, loving..." Genie said primly once she stopped laughing.

"Commanding," Aadi put in.

"... and I think we've got something good together," Genie ignored Aadi's interruption.

"That's good," Miranda smiled weakly.

"Oh no, you don't get to be sad, sugar," Aadi said. "You're the one who's got True Love... my little M&Ms are forever. Everyone knows that." 

"I know, it's dumb but... I miss her," Miranda said.

"Well, miss her no more," Aadi grinned, "'cause who do I spy with my little eye?"

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