Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Chapter 8 - Gossip

"Girlfriend, you hold your head high," Aadi was saying, "and don't let anyone drag you down."

The friends sat together around Genie's bed, laughing, talking and supporting her. Rumor and gossip had spread through the dorm in the wake of her ill-fated hook up and subsequent conversation with Orange. 

"I just feel so rotten," Genie started.

"Al diavolo!" Mariah cursed, "You didn't do anything wrong."

"Absolutely," Miranda agreed.

"Ok, ok... you're right. I know you're right," Genie smiled, then she gave Mariah a long look. "Mariah, there's something I want to know. You always talk like you're from Tartosa..."

"Oh, we're talking about me now?" Mariah smiled.

"Yes. Anything to change the subject," Genie laughed, "but really... you talk like you're from Tartosa, but I read somewhere that you're originally from Sulani."

"I was born in Tartosa," Mariah said, "but my dad died when I was just a kid and Janet moved us to Sulani."

"Janet? Who's Janet?" Aadi asked.

"The puttana who pushed me into the world," Mariah snarled softly. "I guess you could call her my mother... The government did. I don't. Anyway, she was from the islands, so she moved us there after dad died. So I lived there... in the skanky part of the islands that the tourists don't visit... with Janet and her series of increasingly sleazy guys until..."

"Go on... until?" Aadi prompted.

"I fell in love - Emi Sato - and came out," Mariah said. "Janet didn't take it well, learning her daughter was... and I quote... a pervert and a monster. It got bad and eventually I ran away. Lived on the streets for a little while until the cops picked me up, landed in foster care and ended up getting adopted by a famous movie star..."

"Like one does," Genie nodded.

"Anyway, Londyn moved me back to Tartosa," Mariah concluded. "So, there you go... my life story. Next."

"No, no," Aadi said. "I want to hear about this girl... Emi."

"She was cute and funny and kind," Mariah said. "We were fourteen and in love. She kissed me... my first real kiss... on the beach at sunset. It was... nice. Madonna, I haven't seen her in years."

"Anyway, what about you, Aadi?" Mariah continued, "Who was your first love?"

"Derick Woodall," Aadi smiled. "That boy could sing."

"What about you, Genie?" Aadi asked.

"Gio Romea," Genie grinned. "I had such a crush on him."

"Your turn, Miranda," Genie said.

"Imran Watson, first crush, first kiss," Miranda smiled.

"Hold on girlfriend," Aadi gasped theatrically. "A boy... Does our Miranda play for both teams?"

"I... I guess," Miranda stammered. "I mean, I've liked boys... but I'm Team Mariah all the way now. What about you Aadi? Have you ever been with a girl?"

"You know Aadi transcends gender," they said with a grin, "but I am purely into male-bodied persons. Genie?"

"What?" Genie jumped slightly. "Me... and a girl? No, I haven't.... yet."

"Oh," Aadi grinned. "Yet, huh? Got your eye on someone?"

"N... No," Genie stammered.

"She's taken," Mariah said, a little sharper than she'd intended.

"What about you, Mariah?" Aadi said. "Ever been with a guy?"

"Pass," Mariah replied.

"Come on, share with the class," Aadi insisted.

"Dio santo!" Mariah said, "Leave it, Aadi. Anyway, I'm going to bed. I've got an early class."

"I'll walk you to your room," Miranda said, following.

"Oops," Aadi winced.

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