Monday, January 9, 2023

Chapter 6 - Bad Hookup

Author's note: This chapter contains mature and sensitive themes that may be disturbing to some readers. It is never my intention to trivialize or sensationalize these topics. Reader discretion is advised.

Before they knew it, the start of classes was upon them, bringing classes and homework on top of the demands of dorm life. New routines quickly formed.

It was morning and Mariah was thinking about her Psych homework when she ran into Genie in the restroom. 

Without much thought she greeted her girlfriend's roommate with a distracted, "Hey Genie."

"Hi," Genie's usually bright voice was subdued.

Mariah stopped short, all thoughts of homework forgotten. She was acutely aware of the way the other woman's lip quavered, the way she held herself, as if on the brink of tears.

"Are you OK?" Mariah asked gently.

"I'm... I'm fine, really I'm..." Genie started.

Mariah just waited, meeting the other woman's eyes.

"No," Genie gasped, "I'm not fine."

"What's wrong?" Mariah prompted.

"I... last night," Genie started, "I... I kinda hooked up with Orange."

"Madonna," Mariah swore, a sudden rush of fire and ice snarling in her gut. "Genie, did he...?"

"No! No... not... he didn't," Genie stammered. "I mean... not really... I wanted... I did. I mean... I thought..."

"OK, deep breath," Mariah said, perhaps as much to herself as to Genie, "Can you tell me what happened?"

"We were talking, kinda flirting," Genie said, "and it got sorta... hot... and I said... I mean he's cute and kinda famous... and I thought 'what the hell, go for it' ... God, I'm a slut."

"Al diavolo!" Mariah said firmly, "To hell with that! You're not... and whatever he did is on him, not you! You hear me!"

"I... OK," Genie took a shuddering breath.

"Did he hurt you?" Mariah asked again.

"No," Genie repeated, "I mean... it hurt... it did... but he didn't force me. He just... we were going at it and he just..." Her voice dropped to a whisper, "He jumped straight to fifth. He didn't even ask! He just... I think I screamed. It hurt so bad... and when he was done, I... I just left."

"OK... OK. I... I can take you to campus med center. We can get you checked out." Mariah said, her own emotions locked in iron chains... and you can report the stronzo, she adding in her head.

"No, no," Genie shook her head. "I... I just want to lay down. I'm... I'm OK. Thank you... for listening."

"Genie," Mariah said. "Any time you want to talk, I'm here."

She could barely hear for the screaming in her head, barely feel for the ice and fire roiling in her blood. She knew she needed to breathe. She couldn't lose it. Not here, not now. Not... 

Figlio di puttana! What is he doing here?!

"Hey, 'Riah," Orange grinned. 

"What... Are you doing... In my room?" Mariah snarled through clenched teeth. Control. You are in control, she thought.

"Oh, sorry," Orange said, still smiling, "Angela said it would be OK for me to borrow her guitar. I was just trying it out."

His words were almost lost in the distant echo of a girl's sobbing screams. She was sharply aware of him... his size, his strength. Genie wouldn't have been able to fight him off if she tried. They were always so damn strong.

"Get out," she said coldly.

"Hey, I said I was..." he started.

"GET OUT!" she exploded. "You stay OUT of my room and you stay AWAY from us!"

"What the Hell?" Orange reeled, shocked.

"Te lo giuro, se le fai del male di nuovo ti ammazzo!" she snarled, "I swear it!"

"You're crazy," Orange snapped back, storming out of the room.

Breathe, Mariah thought. Just breathe.


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