Friday, January 20, 2023

Chapter 14 - Glimmerbrook Yule

Snow, Mariah thought. Actually, honest, real snow. A child of warm sunny coasts and tropical islands, snow was something Mariah saw on TV or on distant mountaintops. It wasn't something that covered the ground in a glittering, magical veil of white. She watched in wonder as her breath billowed out visibly in front of her and considered whether it was beneath her dignity to run around laughing like an idiot.

"Hey," Miranda called from the doorway. "If you're done turning into a block of ice, mom's making French Toast."

"Fantastic," Mariah laughed. As she climbed back into the warmth of the hearth fire, she added, "You know, for a global superstar, your mom is surprisingly domestic."

"I never really thought about it," Miranda admitted.

"This is delicious, Mrs G," Mariah commented as she ate.

"Thank you," Cassie smiled. "It's nice to have someone appreciate it."

"I appreciate your cooking, mom," Miranda insisted. "Especially because it means we don't have to eat what I make."

"Don't let her fool you," Cassie told Mariah in a stage whisper. "Miranda is a wonderful cook... and she loves it."

"I'll remember that," Mariah grinned. "Aren't you having any, Mrs G?"

"No, I'm not hungry," Cassie replied with an odd look.

"If you are done eating," Gwen called, "there are presents here and I've been very patient."

"Coming," Miranda called back.

"I swear, Gwen's such a little girl sometimes," Cassie smiled. "Come on, Mariah. She loves giving presents."

Mariah had, of course, seen the piles of gifts under the glittering tree. She was, however, a little surprised how many were for her. 

The holidays were usually a strange time for Mariah, a mix of uncomfortable memories. Her dad had always taken time out of his busy schedule to spend the holidays with her and always gave her great gifts. Janet, her birth mother, had never seemed to consider her anything but a burden, especially at the holidays. Looking back, she realized how Londyn and Danielle had always done everything they could to make the holidays special for her but she'd been too 'tough and cool' (wounded and angry, she recognized now) to really appreciate it.

Miranda's family were so full of fun, joy and happiness. It reminded her of being a kid. It reminded her of Londyn and Danielle.

Later, she called them.

"Yeah, everything's great here, Londyn. Really," Mariah told her. "Gwen and Cassie's house is fantastic. It's even snowing."

"Well, take care of yourself," Londyn said. "We sent you some packages. They should be at your dorm when you get back. Danielle found some old pictures she thought you'd like to have. Happy holidays, Mariah."

"Thanks," Mariah said. She was shocked by the feeling that suddenly welled up in her. "Londyn... really... thank you. For everything. For all of it. Happy holidays... mom."

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