Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Chapter 11 - Winter Break

Autumn was nearly spent and the stiff wind that blew through Britechester campus carried with it the chill of coming winter.

"We made it to Winter Break," Orange mused.

"We survived," Sheldon sighed.

"Are you sure?" Gabbie shuddered.

"I didn't," Anthony groaned. "I absolutely didn't."

Mariah was already jogging back to the dorm, leaving her classmates behind. At least Orange was giving Genie, and her, as much space as he possibly could while living in the same dorm and attending some of the same classes. No, she couldn't blame her bad mood on him.

It had just been too long since she'd gotten to be with Miranda. Their wretched class schedules just didn't line up well. Couple that with end of term homework and projects, she'd barely gotten to see Miranda for days.

Instead, Miranda had been hanging out a lot with Aadi and...

... Genie.

Madonna, what's going on here?

Mariah did not storm up to Genie as Miranda disappeared into her dorm room. She had too much dignity for that. She simply walked in a determined manner.

"Mariah, hi," Genie smiled. "I've been looking for you."

"Sure you were," Mariah muttered. "What did you...?"

"Here you go," Genie smiled broadly, handing her a wrapped package.

"What... Dio santo, what is this?" Mariah gasped.

"Your present, of course," Genie replied.

"I just gave Miranda hers," she continued. "I've already gotten Aadi, and Gabbie, and Carlos. Don't you think he's cute. I mean, maybe you don't but..."

"No, yeah, I guess he's cute," Mariah stammered. "So, you're giving presents to everybody?"

"Well yea, to all my friends," Genie smiled, "It's the holidays. Are you going to open it or what?"

"What? Yeah, yeah," Mariah blinked. "Thank you."


"So, I hear you guys have big holiday plans," Genie said as they gathered in what had become their usual spots around her bed. 

"Oh, share-zies," Aadi crooned.

"Mariah is going to spend the winter holidays with my family," Miranda said, "and I'm going to stay with hers for spring break."

"Oooo, meeting the parents," Aadi grinned.

"I've met her parents, lo stupido, " Mariah laughed, "and she's met mine."

"Still, spending the holidays together," Aadi smiled, "that's like a step."

"Whatever," Mariah rolled her eyes. "What about you guys? Big plans?"

"Oh sure," Genie groaned, "the annual holiday fundraiser with dad's political cronies... smiling and being polite while a bunch of creepy old men peek down my cleavage and grab my butt." 

"Well, I have nothing to rival that," Aadi said, "just a winter in the city with my folks."

"Enough about that," Aadi continued, "What I really want to know is... did Carlos like Genie's present... and did he have a nice big one to give her?"

"Aadi!" Genie squealed, blushing.

"Oooo, he did," Aadi laughed.

"No, he did not!" Genie grinned. "He's nice and I like him... and I am totally off the market for quick hook ups."

"Anyway, what about you?" she continued, "Didn't I see you making eyes at that footballer?"

"Sweetheart, he was not for Aadi. I have to be careful," they grinned. "It takes a special kind of man to handle all this fabulousness."

"It's true," Miranda smiled. "We all know you are too fabulous."

"Girlfriend, you do not know how lucky you two are," Aadi looked from Miranda to Mariah, "There is something magical about our little M&Ms."

"Oh, I know it," Miranda smiled.

"Well, here's wishing us all a joyous holiday season," Genie smiled warmly. 

"We can all share stories when we get back." Aadi nodded.

"We'll be back for New Years," Miranda said, "and if any of those political creeps get fresh, we can always have Mariah kick their butts."

"Absolutely," Mariah agreed.

"Enjoy Glimmerbrook," Aadi said to her.

"Miranda, I've been meaning to ask," Genie put in, "where is Glimmerbrook? I know it's somewhere near Windenburg but I can't find it on my phone's map app."

"Oh, it's out past Old New Henford," Miranda said with forced casualness, not adding that the town did not, as far as she knew, appear on any maps. "In fact, we'll be stopping there to visit some old friends on the way."

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