Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Chapter 12 - Old Friends

"So, this is it," Miranda said, "3 Olde Mill Lane, Old New Henford... the humble country cottage where I grew up."

The bus had taken them from Britechester to Finchwich. From there it had been a short walk down the green country lanes of Miranda's childhood. Even with the chill of winter hovering in the air, the grey damp of autumn still clung to Henford.

"You do know this isn't humble or a cottage, right?" Mariah asked.

"Yes," Miranda laughed, "I'm kidding about that part, but this is the place. It's funny, looking at it, not to think of it as home really. Let's go meet the new owners."

"Hey Jake!" Miranda cheered as they entered the sprawling farmhouse.

"Hey yourself!" Jake laughed, "You're looking good."

"So, this is Mariah," Miranda said. "Mariah, this is Jake and Beth and... Oh My God, Beth! Look at you."

 "I know," Beth moaned, "I'm huge."

"You're pregnant!" Miranda laughed. "I mean, you told me over the phone... but you're very pregnant. You have a little person inside you."

"Wanna feel?" Beth smiled.

"Wow," Miranda grinned as she touched Beth's belly. "This is amazing. Mariah, isn't this amazing?"

"Umm, yeah," Mariah said uncomfortably.

"Why don't we go into the living room," Jake suggested, "and we can sit and catch up... and get to know you, Mariah."

"Yeah, sorry," Miranda smiled.

"Baby-shock," Beth smiled back. "It happens to everyone. You should have seen Kristopher the last time he visited."


"... so Jake does construction and odd jobs around the village," Beth was describing their lives in Henford, "but mostly we take care of the farm. We grow most of our own food and enough extra to sell at the market. Plus, I sell my little handicrafts...  I do some flower arrangements and cross-stitch. I've even taken up painting... nothing like Gwen's pieces, but seeing them inspired me. I guess it's good enough for the tourists."

"She's being modest," Jake put in from the other couch. "They love her work."

"So what about you two," Beth said. "I know Miranda is in the arts... what about you Mariah? What are you studying?"

"Umm, psychology," Mariah replied. She was feeling strangely intimidated by this vibrant young woman. "I think I might go into counseling after I graduate, but I'm not sure."

"Well, that's wonderful," Beth said. "Oh, would you two please excuse me... I need to run to the little pregnant lady's room. The joys of having someone doing handstands on your bladder. If you can pull your eyes off the football match, Jake, maybe you can entertain our guests..."

"The match is entertaining," Jake countered.

"Men," Beth rolled her eyes.

"We'll be fine," Miranda laughed.

"Are you OK?" Miranda asked Mariah. "You seem a little uncomfortable."

"I'm fine," Mariah lied. "Really, I'm fine."

"No, you're not," Miranda said. "I'm sorry... I guess it's not really fun for you listening to me catch up with old friends. I just... I really wanted you to meet Jake and Beth."

"It's fine, really," Mariah said. "I'm just going to stretch my legs, if that's OK. I'll be right back. Jake, is it OK if I walk around a little?"

"Sure," he replied, eyes still fixed on his match, "Make yourself at home."

Pull yourself together, Mariah thought. You are a strong, confident woman. You can make a good impression on these people. So what if they're her closest friends and two of the most important people in her life... and she once told you she couldn't keep her hands off Jake... and Beth is the first girl she ever kissed... and... merda! Porco Eva! Pull yourself together, puttana.

"Kind of a lot," Beth's voice interrupted as Mariah thoughts chased themselves around her head, "meeting her old friends. I'm sorry I'm not being the best hostess."

"What, no, you're fine," Mariah said. "You're great. I've just got some things on my mind."

"Well, I was hoping to have a chance to get you to myself," Beth said. "If you wouldn't mind."

"Umm, sure, yeah that would be fine," Mariah said carefully.

"Great, come sit with me," Beth led her into another room. 

"You really have a lovely home," Mariah said, taking a seat in the comfortable chair. 

"Thank you," Beth said, "Most of what we have is a gift from Miranda's moms, but I brought a few things with me from home. We've been slowly making it more our own."

"Anyway, I'm really glad we have a little time to chat," Beth continued, "You know, Miranda is very special to us. Jake and I both defied our pack, our families, to stand beside her. My brother died for her. She is my best friend, my pack-sister. For her sake, I have looked into the jaws of Death Herself, and I would do it again without hesitation. Do you understand?"

"Merda... no," Mariah said in horrified awe, "but I am getting the 'if you hurt her, I will end you' part."

"Oh, I'm saying this all wrong," Beth smiled, "I mean to say... well, we know how special she is... and how special she must be to you... because I know you would do anything for her too. I hope that we can be friends.... but also, if you hurt her, I will end you."

"She is special," Mariah sighed, "and I've never... I haven't done the things you've done... fought monsters and gangsters and stuff. You guys are incredible... proco cane, you're a werewolf... and I'm just... me. I guess I'm having a little trouble with that."

"Oh Mariah," Beth smiled, "Do you know how intimidated I was by the thought of meeting you?"

"You... intimidated by me?" Mariah blinked. "Col cavolo! No way."

"You're the daughter of a movie star," Beth said, "You're a beautiful, glamorous, smart, sophisticated woman from far off, exotic Tartosa."

"I'm not... that's not me," Mariah said. "I mean, I'm just... Proco miseria, Miranda's Cassie's daughter!"

"Believe me, we were all stunned when we found that out - Jake still treasures Cassie's autograph," Beth said, "but by then we already knew her. As for that not being you - 'beautiful, glamorous, smart and sophisticated' is how she described you to me... and it seems pretty accurate from here."

"I... I mean," Mariah stammered. She felt completely thrown, unable to pull back her mask of snarky confidence. She'd lost it, she realized, somewhere at the front door. Taking a deep breath, she tried again and failed immediately.

"We should maybe get back," Mariah tried again, "I mean... Miranda told me about her and Jake."

"You mean how they couldn't keep their hands off each other a couple years ago," Beth chuckled.

"I mean," Mariah said, "doesn't it worry you a little?"

"No," Beth replied. "We've all grown up a lot since then... and Jake knows that if he tries anything I'd bite him... but most of all, I know that Miranda's completely head-over-heels in love with you. Short of black magic, we have don't have anything to worry about... but we can go back if you want."

"Thanks," Mariah said. "You know, I hope we can... be friends, I mean. You're pretty cool."

"Thank you," Beth smiled.

"Hey, we were wondering where you had gotten to," Jake said as they returned to the living room.

"Caught me," Beth replied. "I wanted a little time to get to talk with Mariah. How's the match going?"

"I turned it off," Jake said. "Those Windslar United bastards were leading..."

"... and you didn't want to get mad and have to reupholster the couch again," Beth finished.

"Not with guests here anyway," Jake grinned.

"We should probably get going," Miranda said. "Mom's car service will be arriving soon to take us the rest of the way."

"You should have said something," Jake out in, "I could have driven you."

"I didn't want to put you out," Miranda replied. "Would you guys mind if I showed Mariah a little of the grounds before we do?"

"Of course not, you don't even have to ask. You're family" Beth answered, "both of you."

"Thank you," Mariah answered Beth's meaningful look.

"Want to feel the baby?" Beth added.

"I...," Mariah stammered.

"Go on," Beth grinned.

"Oh, wow," Mariah whispered as she felt Beth's belly, then added more loudly, "What was that?"

"Afternoon aerobics," Beth laughed. 

"That's the baby? Wow, I felt the baby! Miranda, this is amazing!" Mariah laughed.

"Are you really OK?" Miranda asked as they walked around the farm.

"I wasn't," Mariah admitted. "I am now. I was... intimidated, I guess."

"The werewolf thing?" Miranda said.

"Not really," Mariah said. "I mean, I think on some level I don't really believe that part... but the rest. The things you guys have done together... and the relationships you've had. All those big adventures... and you're here, with me."

"Of course I am," Miranda replied.

"Did you really tell Beth I was beautiful, glamorous and sophisticated?"

"Yeah," Miranda smiled. "Granted, sweats and a sports bra isn't your most glamorous look but..."

"Madonna," Mariah laughed.

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Strangerville Mystery - Ch 3 - Friends and Neighbors

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