Friday, December 30, 2022

Chapter 2 - Roommates

"Have you been here long?" Miranda asked.

"My flight got in early this morning," Mariah replied. "You missed Londyn and Danielle. Fortunately, so did most of our dorm-mates, so my cover remains intact. You get to be the one with the famous family on our floor."

"Gee, thanks," Miranda moaned.

"So, this is me," Mariah said, gesturing to the first dorm room door in the hall. "It's a double room. I've got a room-mate."

"I guess we didn't really think about arranging to share a room," Miranda mused.

"Yeah," Mariah sighed. "Maybe if I'd told you I was going to be here sooner..."

"You know, it's probably for the best," Miranda smiled. "I don't know how much studying I'd get done if we were... you know... together." 

"That's a point," Mariah laughed.

"So, roommate," Miranda began.

"Speak of the devil and she appears," Mariah muttered. "Ciao, Angela. Miranda, this is my roommate Angela. Angela, this is my girlfriend Miranda."

"Wow, you're Cassie's daughter," Angela commented. "That must be so cool."

"Ummm, yeah," Miranda winced, "it's... something."

"Well, I'm going down to the bookstore to get my textbooks and supplies," Angela continued, "You guys wanna come with?"

"We'll probably do that later," Mariah replied. "I'm sure Miranda needs to get settled in first."

"Right, right," Angela nodded. "Well, maybe I'll see you."
"I guess this is me," Miranda said, nodding to the last door.

"The ladies' triple," Mariah nodded. "Ready to meet the roommates?"

"I guess," Miranda sighed. "You know, I've never really had a roommate before."

"It's been a while for me," Mariah nodded knowingly. "It's going to take some getting used to."

"Hi! You must be Miranda," a cheerful young woman declared. "You look just like your picture in Entertainment Today."

"Hi... yeah, thanks... and this is..." Miranda blinked, briefly overwhelmed by the young woman's enthusiasm.

"Mariah, of course," her roommate' smiled. "Oh, I promise I don't spend all my time reading the gossip columns. My mom just shoved them in front of me when she heard you would both be here. I'm Genie... Genie Elderberry."

"Well, hi Genie," Miranda said politely. "Wait... Elderberry? Not Genevieve Elderberry?"

"Oh God, please... Genie," she replied. "Only my mother calls me Genevieve. Well, her and the media and we're all trying to dodge them, amiright?"

"So, I've already claimed this side," Genie continued. "I hope that's OK. The other two beds are open... our third roommate hasn't arrived yet."

"That's fine," Miranda said, unable to suppress an amused smile. "I'll just get my stuff and start unpacking."

"Great," Genie grinned. "I'm headed over to the student commons to grab some lunch. Maybe I'll see you there?"

"Maybe," Miranda nodded, "depends how long it takes me to unpack."

"Madonna," Mariah swore gently as Genie left, "I don't know if I'm going to survive roommates."

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Chapter 1 - Incoming Freshmen

Under the warm glow of a lingering summer, Britechester campus was ready for new beginnings. In the morning light, the stately old buildings and neat paths of the prestigious university were prepared. Already students were arriving for a new term of education and discovery... some little of which might even take place within the classical lecture halls.

For Miranda, it was both exciting and a little frustrating. Her excitement was mostly centered on the fact that her girlfriend, Mariah, was also going to university here. This would be the first time Miranda could really spend time with her, beyond her family's summer holidays and her own short visits to Mariah's native Tartosa. 

Frustrating because...

"You know, this graffiti reminds me of a time while I was going here," Cassie Goth was saying.

Miranda rolled her eyes. She supposed every young woman lived in the shadow of their mother to some extent. Still, when your mother is a global superstar musician and actress like Cassandra Goth, she casts a very long shadow. Not for the first time, Miranda wondered if maybe she should have gone to the Foxbury Institute instead of her mom's old college. This whole place was haunted by the ghosts of her mother's past (worse, really, because Miranda knew how to handle actual ghosts). For God's sake, there was a Cassandra Goth exhibit in the Fine Arts building! What had she been thinking? 

"Mom," she sighed, "please... no stories. You promised."

"I  know, honey," Cassie sighed. "It's just... I have a lot of memories here."

"I know," Miranda groaned, "but I'm here to make my own memories. So, please, for me... no stories about old times, no impromptu performances and no spur of the moment concerts. I don't want to know how you vandalized the school statue or made out with Gwen in the student lounge or whatever other embarrassing things you did when you were my age! OK?"

"Alright," Cassie smiled (and if Miranda failed to recognize the hint of sadness behind her mother's eyes - not all college memories were happy ones - the younger woman's distraction could be forgiven). 

"You know," Cassie continued with a sly grin, "the really juicy 'making out in the student lounge' story wasn't actually with Gwen..."

"No mom," Miranda said firmly. "Just no."

"And no autographs," Miranda whispered to her mom through clenched teeth at the predictable response of her dorm-mates to the arrival of Cassie Goth.

"Of course, dear," Cassie smiled.

"Oh my God, it's Cassie!" A lithe young woman with bi-colored hair threw herself into the superstar's arms. 

"Mariah!" Miranda cried, appalled, then added with a snarl, "You're just doing this make me crazy, aren't you?"

"Mostly," Mariah smiled. "I mean, you are awesome Mrs G, but yeah, mostly."

"I understand," Cassie laughed with her daughter's girlfriend. "and it is good to see you, too."

"OK, well thanks for dropping me off, and not embarrassing me too badly," Miranda said briskly. "Goodbye mom."

"Well, I thought I might stay and look around the old dorm," Cassie began.

"Goodbye mom," Miranda repeated firmly.

"Alright, alright," Cassie smirked. "You two look out for each other, OK? Study hard and stay safe."

"I'll keep her out of trouble, Mrs G," Mariah smiled.

"Yeah right," Miranda rolled her eyes. "OK, now..."

"I'm going, I'm going," Cassie smiled wistfully as she left.

"It's so good to see you." Miranda embraced her girlfriend.

"Mia amata," Mariah breathed, relaxing in her arms, adding, "You know, you're mom isn't really that bad."

"I know, I know," Miranda mumbled. "Now, come on, show me around our dorm!"

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Book 3 - Characters of Note

Author's Note: As the third major installment in a long running narrative, there are a lot of characters (many drawn from the Sims canon and other players' original creations) who have been part of our story so far. In an effort to help new readers who are jumping into the story here, I offer the following short summaries of some of the more notable past characters who may appear in College Years.

Characters of Note

Miranda Silveroak-Goth
Miranda thinks of herself as a pretty ordinary young woman. One who enjoys music, painting and acting. Sure, her moms are, respectively, a world famous superstar and a powerful witch. Yeah, her best friend is a werewolf. Alright, she did spend her high school years pursued by vampires and mobsters. Also, she thinks she might be bi. So maybe "ordinary" isn't exactly the right word.

Mariah Huntley
Mariah is a young woman struggling with the wounds of her troubled past. Fortunately, the care and compassion of her foster mothers - Danielle and Londyn - and the love of Miranda Silveroak-Goth, have helped her turn a corner. Mariah is going to make something of herself. No more crazy, self-destructive mischief and mayhem. Well, maybe a little mischief and mayhem...

Cassie Goth
Global superstar, musical sensation, and star of the silver screen, Cassie is a daughter of the old, spooky and aristocratic Goth family. The press have dubbed her the Raven Witch, because she plays into her family's uncanny reputation, little realizing that the star is actually a talented medium and witch. Cassie is a regular source of wonder and embarrassment to her daughter Miranda.

Gwen Silveroak
To the mortal world, Gwen is an artist of some note, married to superstar Cassie Goth. To the occult world, she is the White Witch of Glimmerbrook, a powerful enchantress and seer, and leader of the Guardians of Glimmerbrook Watch. She also talks to potted plants (whether or not the plants actually talk back is a topic of debate between wife Cassie and daughter Miranda). 


Danielle and Londyn Huntley
Mariah's foster mothers, Danielle is a well-known romance novelist and Londyn is a famous actress turned movie producer. They live together in their villa in the sunny coastal town of Tartosa. (The original characters of Danielle and Londyn star in their own excellent story Under the Tartosan Sun by the remarkable DaniRose2143 and are used with permission.)
Beth and Jake Volkov
A young couple, Beth and Jake have been two of Miranda's closest friends and confidants ever since she took shelter in the mountain town of Moonwood Mill to hide from a vampire attack. The pair recently married and moved to Henford-on-Bagley, where Jake works in construction and Beth runs their small farm. They also happen to be werewolves.
Jenny Poole
A struggling young actress with terrible taste in men, Jenny's life took an interesting turn when superstar Cassie took her under her wing. Her career has certainly benefited, and she has become good friends with Cassie's daughter Miranda, at the cost of occasionally finding herself in mortal peril. Jenny lives in an apartment in the Spice District, which happens to be haunted by the ghost of murdered reporter Olivia Kim-Lewis.
Xander, Morgan and Victor Goth
Cassie's brother, Xander, is a famous tech-guru responsible for several popular apps. After a violent run-in with Max V, Xander was saved from death by Lilith in a way that left him a pale, spooky night-owl with strict dietary restrictions. Morgan, a former member of Max V's gang, is out of the criminal life and is trying to make a go of it as a suburban mom. Together they have a young son, Victor. 
Mortimer Goth
Miranda's grandfather, Mortimer was an author of supernatural fiction, known for his best-selling Raven Academy series. He was also reputed to be a psychic medium of considerable talent. He was murdered by Count Straud's minions. Some claim to have seen his spirit haunting either the Goth Mausoleum in Oracle Point Graveyard or Ophelia Villa, the family mansion.

Bella Goth
Mortimer's widow, Bella now lives in retirement in Oasis Springs. A former intelligence operative working for the shadowy Agency, Bella is responsible for bringing down the Landgraab Syndicate, which was implicated in the death of her husband.

Rohan and Luna Elderberry
Rohan Elderberry, the Honorable Representative for Windenburg, and his financier wife Luna are a wealthy and powerful couple and old college friends of Gwen and Cassie. Pay no attention to the tabloid stories of Rohan's drinking and womanizing.

Nick Alto
Head of the Alto crime family. With the recent arrests of the heads of the Landgraab Syndicate, Mr Alto has become the leading crime boss in the local underworld.
Max V and Wolfgang
Max V is petty and cruel mobster with the resilience of a cockroach, and Wolfgang is his chief henchman. At various times, Max and Wolfgang have worked for Count Straud, the Landgraab Syndicate and Professor Faust. These notorious criminals are still at large.

Lilith Vatore
Leader of Windenburg's vampire community, Lilith and her brother Caleb believe vampires can coexist peacefully with mortals.
Miss H
A mysterious vampire who has been gathering vampires formerly loyal to Straud in a bid for control over the Dark Court. 

Professor John Faust
An evil wizard and loyal servant of the Dark Court. He was instrumental in both Count Straud's attack on the Portal and the later kidnapping of Miranda. Despite his defeats, Professor Faust continues to pursue his schemes from his mansion outside of Windenburg.
Count Vladislaus Straud
Master vampire and once ruler of the Dark Court, he was defeated by Miranda, Gwen and Cassie during his recent attempt to breach the Glimmerbrook Portal and lead an attack on the Magic Realm. Wounded by Miranda and forced to flee, the Count's current status is unknown.


 Landgraab Syndicate
The Landgraabs have been a wealthy and influential family in the area for generations. Unfortunately, the family's fortunes took a recent downturn when matriarch Nancy Landgraab, her son Malcolm and his wife Bonnie were arrested as leading members of a far reaching criminal syndicate.

Claudette Blackwood
Professor Faust's daughter and apprentice, she enchanted, seduced and helped kidnap Miranda only to have a change of heart and turn against her father. Currently stripped of her magic and held under the watchful eyes of the werewolves of Moonwood Mill. 

Judith Ward
Queen of Mean, Legend of the Silver Screen, Judith was reigning actress of the valley, renowned not only for her skill but for her demanding and ruthless handing of career and rivals. Now time, and some bad choices, have caused her to retire.

Arianrhiod and Ceridwin Silveroak 
Gwen's mother and grandmother, both knowledgeable and powerful witches despite being dead.

Don Lothario
Miranda's notoriously philandering biological father, killed by Count Straud's minions.
Director Lee-Rossi
Aerospace engineer turned intelligence operative, Liberty Lee-Rossi is Tartosa Station Chief for the shadowy Agency. She is also a close friend of the Huntley family and has connections to both Bella Goth and Gwen Silveroak.

Book 3 - College Years


Miranda Silveroak-Goth has faced many things in her young life.

Really, dealing with the usual teen challenges of school, romance, and figuring out her identity are hard enough when your mom is Cassandra Goth, world famous musical superstar and actress. Toss in that your other mom is the White Witch of Glimmerbrook and a Guardian of the Magic Realm, and suddenly you're caught in an ancient feud between witches, werewolves and vampires... and you don't even get extra class credit for it.

Now, Miranda must face her next major challenge - University.


Thursday, December 8, 2022

Tartosan Summer - The Road Ahead

 The Gala was over and Miranda's summer in Tartosa was coming to an end. The turmoil in her heart, which had been quiet until last night, roared like a storm off the sea. An idea had come to her in the night, as she lay in Mariah's arms, knowing they would part again soon and desperate to never let her go... a wild, mad, impossible idea. Rising early, she had sought the calm and stillness of mediation... where maybe she'd see, like Gwen saw, the road ahead.

"You're floating," Mariah's voice burst into the stillness. "You know that, right?"

"Ahhh!" Miranda cried as she dropped to the ground. 

"Oh," Mariah's wince of sympathy was somewhat undermined be her laughter. "Sorry."

"That's not as easy as it looks you know," Miranda grumbled.

"Here," Mariah grinned. "Let me kiss it and make it better."

"That's not the cheek I fell on," Miranda muttered.

"I could kiss that one too, if you want," Mariah's eyes glittered with amusement.

"I... I need to talk you," Miranda said, trying to gather her thoughts. 

"Oh...," Mariah looked worried. "I... I guess... I do too..."

"Let me get this out," Miranda said, striving to sound resolute, "You know I'm suppose to leave soon... and go to University... and we'd be apart again... and I'm not doing it! I'm staying! I'm staying here, in Tartosa. I can get a job... and maybe next semester apply to university here... and..."

 "Oh, wow," Mariah's eyes went wide. "Wow! I mean... yeah... you could do that. If you do, I'll... I'll write you and I'll miss you... and maybe we'll see each other on holidays..."

"What are you talking about?" Miranda demanded. "I'm staying!"

"Yeah, but I'm going to Britechester," Mariah said.

"So, I'll be here and we can be together," Miranda continued, talking over her, "and... you're doing what?!?"

"I'm going to Britechester," Mariah repeated. "I go in there... and I..."

"Why are you going to Britechester?!?," Miranda said, shocked. "I mean, they have universities here... I thought... you didn't apply there just to be with me?! Did you?"

"Hey, a minute ago you were going to throw away everything to live here, just to be with me," Mariah pointed out. "Besides, that's not why I applied there. OK, it's not the only reason I applied there."

"Really?" Miranda looked skeptical.

"They have a great psych program," Mariah pointed out, " and after all the counseling I've been doing, I think that's what I want to do... with my life.. be a counselor. OK, technically Foxbury's got a better psych program... and I did apply there 'cause I'd only be across town... but my grades weren't good enough."

 "So," she continued, "I'm going to Britechester... and if you run away and live on the beech here, I promise to write you and..."

Miranda's kiss interrupted her.

"I love you," Miranda sighed. 

"I love you too," Mariah relaxed into her arms.

"Why didn't you tell me!" Miranda snapped suddenly.

"I was worried you wouldn't be happy," Mariah admitted. "That maybe... you wouldn't want me to."

"I love you," Miranda breathed again, embracing her. She could see the road ahead now and knew they would talk it together.

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Tartosan Summer - I Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues

On the terrace outside, with the music and chatter of the gala a whisper behind them, Mariah watched as Miranda took a deep breath.

"I love it here," Miranda sighed. "The sea air, the moonlight... it's so beautiful."

"Yes, you are," Mariah whispered.

"What?" Miranda asked.

"Yes, it is," Mariah nodded, blushing faintly.

"Thank you for getting me out of there," Miranda smiled, coming over to her. "If one more person said how grown up I look while trying to sneak a peek at my boobs, I was going to scream."

"Well, you do look very... grown up," Mariah grinned.

Miranda groaned.

"What did you want to talk about?" she asked.

"What?" Mariah froze. Not the right time, she thought before hastily saying, "No, nothing... I just wanted to get you to myself."

"Oh," Miranda smiled a little sadly. "Well, you've got me. What are you going to do with me?"

"Never stop kissing you," Mariah breathed.

"I like that plan," Miranda sighed, leaning into her. 

Their time together was almost over, Miranda thought as they kissed. Soon, much too soon, they would be parted again... but tonight... tonight they had each other.


I Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues - Elton John

… Don't wish it away
Don't look at it like it's forever
Between you and me I can honestly say
That things will only get better

… And while I'm away
Dust out the demons inside
And it won't be long before you and me run
To the place in our hearts where we hide
And I guess that's why they call it the bluesTime on my hands should be time spent with youLaughing like children, living like loversRolling like thunder under the coversAnd I guess that's why they call it the blues

 … Just stare into spacePicture my face in your handsLive for each second without hesitationAnd never forget I'm your girl

Wait on me girlCry in the night if it helpsBut more than ever I simply love youMore than I love life itself
And I guess that's why they call it the bluesTime on my hands should be time spent with youLaughing like children, living like loversRolling like thunder under the coversAnd I guess that's why they call it the blues

Strangerville Mystery - Ch 2 - Curious Curios

Main Street, Rangerville, Tuesday, May 4, 2021, 8:20 PM As Molly's feet pounded against the dusty sidewalk, she realized she felt pretty...