Thursday, December 29, 2022

Chapter 1 - Incoming Freshmen

Under the warm glow of a lingering summer, Britechester campus was ready for new beginnings. In the morning light, the stately old buildings and neat paths of the prestigious university were prepared. Already students were arriving for a new term of education and discovery... some little of which might even take place within the classical lecture halls.

For Miranda, it was both exciting and a little frustrating. Her excitement was mostly centered on the fact that her girlfriend, Mariah, was also going to university here. This would be the first time Miranda could really spend time with her, beyond her family's summer holidays and her own short visits to Mariah's native Tartosa. 

Frustrating because...

"You know, this graffiti reminds me of a time while I was going here," Cassie Goth was saying.

Miranda rolled her eyes. She supposed every young woman lived in the shadow of their mother to some extent. Still, when your mother is a global superstar musician and actress like Cassandra Goth, she casts a very long shadow. Not for the first time, Miranda wondered if maybe she should have gone to the Foxbury Institute instead of her mom's old college. This whole place was haunted by the ghosts of her mother's past (worse, really, because Miranda knew how to handle actual ghosts). For God's sake, there was a Cassandra Goth exhibit in the Fine Arts building! What had she been thinking? 

"Mom," she sighed, "please... no stories. You promised."

"I  know, honey," Cassie sighed. "It's just... I have a lot of memories here."

"I know," Miranda groaned, "but I'm here to make my own memories. So, please, for me... no stories about old times, no impromptu performances and no spur of the moment concerts. I don't want to know how you vandalized the school statue or made out with Gwen in the student lounge or whatever other embarrassing things you did when you were my age! OK?"

"Alright," Cassie smiled (and if Miranda failed to recognize the hint of sadness behind her mother's eyes - not all college memories were happy ones - the younger woman's distraction could be forgiven). 

"You know," Cassie continued with a sly grin, "the really juicy 'making out in the student lounge' story wasn't actually with Gwen..."

"No mom," Miranda said firmly. "Just no."

"And no autographs," Miranda whispered to her mom through clenched teeth at the predictable response of her dorm-mates to the arrival of Cassie Goth.

"Of course, dear," Cassie smiled.

"Oh my God, it's Cassie!" A lithe young woman with bi-colored hair threw herself into the superstar's arms. 

"Mariah!" Miranda cried, appalled, then added with a snarl, "You're just doing this make me crazy, aren't you?"

"Mostly," Mariah smiled. "I mean, you are awesome Mrs G, but yeah, mostly."

"I understand," Cassie laughed with her daughter's girlfriend. "and it is good to see you, too."

"OK, well thanks for dropping me off, and not embarrassing me too badly," Miranda said briskly. "Goodbye mom."

"Well, I thought I might stay and look around the old dorm," Cassie began.

"Goodbye mom," Miranda repeated firmly.

"Alright, alright," Cassie smirked. "You two look out for each other, OK? Study hard and stay safe."

"I'll keep her out of trouble, Mrs G," Mariah smiled.

"Yeah right," Miranda rolled her eyes. "OK, now..."

"I'm going, I'm going," Cassie smiled wistfully as she left.

"It's so good to see you." Miranda embraced her girlfriend.

"Mia amata," Mariah breathed, relaxing in her arms, adding, "You know, you're mom isn't really that bad."

"I know, I know," Miranda mumbled. "Now, come on, show me around our dorm!"

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