Wednesday, July 17, 2024

The Raven's Apprentice - Chapter 32

"So, that's the story," Cassie said.

"Seriously?" Mariah said.

"We met, we took a little while to get comfortable with our feelings," Cassie smiled, "and then, stuff happened that made getting comfortable with our feelings seem really unimportant... and I kissed her."

"And once I started kissing her, I've wanted to keep kissing her, ever since."

"What about Key and the whole alien invasion plan?" Mariah asked. "What about Carmilla and Molly and Edwards..."

"Well..." Cassie said.

"Gwen told Bella all about Doctor Key's villainous monologue. She and Felix investigated and pretty quickly presented the whole alien invasion plan to their superiors. Key was dismissed from his post. Section 6 was disbanded, and its agents and duties reassigned to other divisions. 

"I gather there was a shake up in the Settler's Leadership and Key and his supporters lost favor. We really haven't had trouble with them since."

"Carmilla and Molly dated through the rest of high school. After graduation, we kind of lost touch. They went to different colleges.

"Carmilla still lives in Willow Creek. She's made something of a name for herself as a psychic investigator and medium.

"Molly, I gather, moved out west. She works in robotics. Xander heard from her recently, through his computer company. 

"Edwards stayed with my family until Xander went away to school. Then he left service and got married to a nice lady named Serena. They own a catering company in Willow Creek... best gumbo in town."


"Madonna," Mariah sighed. "So... as teens, your moms got together over restoring balance with the Netherworld and stopping an alien invasion... but, of course, as a teen you recruited a bunch of teen werewolves to stop vampires from taking over the world.  I feel... inadequate."

"Well, you did almost single-handedly take down the Alto crime family in college," Miranda laughed. "So, you shouldn't feel too inadequate."

"That's a point," Mariah smiled.

"You still want to be part of this crazy family?" Miranda asked softly.

"Well, it's like Cassie said," Mariah answered. "Once I started kissing you, I've wanted to keep kissing you ever since."

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