Monday, July 3, 2023

Chapter 50 - Crumbling Isle

"I still can't believe you actually got a tux," Genie said.

They stood on the beach where they had been deposited by the private ferry that ran between the old city of Windenburg and the Crumbling Isle - a gloomy name for the home of Windenburg's rich and powerful. Snow, who had driven them from Britechester, had parted company with them in the city, saying she needed to make some calls and find a place with decent wifi.

"Do not mock the tux," Aadi preened. "I am Secret Agent Double-Oh-Aadi."

"You're a goofball," Genie grinned.

"Listen up guys," Mariah cut in, closing her phone. "Snow says she's in position. She's hacked into the security cameras at your place, Genie..."

"Seriously?" Genie laughed. "That's kind of... awesome... in a creepy way."

"I told you we were spies," Aadi said in their sing-song voice.

"Anyway," Mariah sighed. "Snow says your folks just left the house. So, that's good. We won't need to talk our way past them."

"They're probably off to an emergency wine and cheese tasting at the Bjergens," Genie rolled her eyes.

"You rich folks are Stah-Range," Aadi grinned.

"Whatever," Mariah sighed again. "Let's get moving."


Genie led the trio of friends along the quiet paths of the old island. This was her home. She'd walked these paths all her life, played on them as a child. Now, knowing the dark secrets of her family, everything seemed different.

Mariah tried to hold on to her usual strong facade, but as they passed an old graveyard, her confidence faltered. Would she soon lay in a grave, her dead-but-not-dead bones resting in a coffin, rising at night to obey Ms. H's terrible will?

Even the usually irrepressible Aadi was quiet. In the face of the island's misty old ruins, the concepts of vampires and witches seemed all too reasonable. There are times, Aadi felt, when grim moods needed some humor... but, for the moment at least, seriousness seemed like the right way to go. 


Finally, Genie led them toward one of the big houses that dotted the island.

"Be it ever so humble," Genie said sardonically, "there's no place like home."

"Seriously?" Aadi said, looking at the sprawling mansion. "You guys live like this?"

"Hey, even I'm impressed," Mariah muttered.

"Is that..." Aadi chuckled softly.

"That's Stephens," Genie said. "And yes, he is our butler."

Mariah groaned as a painful spasm twisted her gut. "Talk to him, Genie. Get us inside so we can look around."

"No problem," Genie said, casting a worried look at Mariah over her shoulder.

"Good evening Ms. Genevieve," Stephens the butler intoned formally. "Ms. Huntley and Mx. Bheeda, welcome to the VonWindenburg estate. I am afraid, Ms. Genevieve, your parents have just left for an unexpected engagement."

"That's alright Stephens," Genie said. "I just wanted to show my friends around the house... the library, the music room, the wine cellar... no big deal."

"I am sorry, Ms. Genevieve," Stephens replied, "but your mother's instructions are that no one but your parents and I are permitted to access the wine cellar." 

"Really, Stephens, that's just silly," Genie said with feigned cheer. "We're not going to run off with one of the bottles... and besides, so what if we did. We're all old enough to drink. I mean, you've served me wine at dinner yourself."

"Your mother's instructions are quite clear, miss," Stephens said firmly.

"Really, I so wanted to show Mariah... Ms. Huntley... our collection of Rossi wines," Genie smiled with false sweetness. "You know the Huntleys are close friends of the Rossi family, of course."

"Your mother's instructions are quite clear, miss," Stephens repeated coldly.

"Va bene," Mariah put in suddenly. "Really, Genie... it's alright. You can show us the wine cellar some other time. Mr. Stephens here is just doing his job."

"Yes, miss," Stephens said. "Thank you for understanding."

"Prego!" Mariah said, extending her hand.

Stephens, nonplused, couldn't refuse the gesture and took her hand politely.

Mariah triggered the stunner she'd palmed. Inwardly, she winced a little. Liberty had hit her with one during training. The experience wasn't fun... but it was effective.

There was a moment of shocked silence as Stephens sank to the floor.

"Mariah, did you just kill my butler?" Genie asked, stunned.

"He'll be fine," Mariah said. "It's an Agency stunner. He'll wake up in a couple of hours with a killer headache, but yeah, he'll be fine. I assume we need to go the wine cellar."

"Wow," Genie said. "Yeah... right... this way."

"Say, can I borrow that on Friday night?" Genie added. "It would be great to have at the next frat party."

"No," Mariah said. "You can't take my top-secret spy gear to fend off horny frat boys."

"Hey, I'm Representative Elderberry's daughter," Genie said. "It would be, like, protecting national security."

"Girl, maybe you should cut back on the frat parties," Aadi chuckled. 

"Genie, seriously, no," Mariah said, trying to hide the sudden, worsening pain shooting through her. 

Hurry, Miranda, Mariah thought. Please... find the cure.

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