Wednesday, June 5, 2024

The Raven's Apprentice - Third Interlude, part 1

TransWorld Building, Magnolia Prominade, 2000

To the casual visitor, should one be granted access, TransWorld's fitness room would probably seem surprisingly well equipped. That same casual visitor might also notice the general level of fitness and athleticism among the employees, especially the field representatives. Still, lots of companies encouraged fitness.

Bella wondered what that hypothetical observer would think should they learn about the "field reps" marksmanship scores. 

Her feet hit the treadmill in a smooth, tireless rhythm. Even among the field agents, she was considered exceptional. Enhancement had its advantages, including increased stamina...

Classified Research Facility, Undisclosed Location, 1978

"... increased strength and accelerated healing, which will likely be accompanied by increased longevity provided no other factors intervene," the medical technical was telling Doctor Key.

He was an odd one, the medical tech, Bella thought. The physical exam he'd given her had been so dispassionate that she'd deliberately tried to entice him, without much success. A flicker of interest but nothing more. Still, even that made him seem a little more normal than Key.

"Her health?" Key asked coolly.

"Frankly perfect," the medical tech replied. He'd called himself Smith, Bella thought with a scoff. "No sign of cancer or other abnormalities."

"Cognition?" Key continued.

"Excellent," Smith said. "She scores high for abstract reasoning and memory. Her ESPer score is within normal range for Natives, but on the high side. It's probably for the best. Almost all subjects with higher ESPer scores also showed significant mental instability."

"Subjects with physical enhancements showed a high risk for cancers," Key mused.

"Terminal within the first year, for 93.4% of subjects," Smith agreed, "but as I said, she shows no signs or precursors."

"A success for the program," Key said. "Even with the low ESPer rating." 

"I wanted to talk to you about that, Senior Researcher," Smith said hesitantly. "A stable hybrid of this quality is exceptional. The Pollination Board will want to examine the subject."

"Your superiors want to know what they did right," Key scoffed. "No. You're free to show them your results and I will provide a reasonable number of samples on request, but the subject is mine."

"I imagine they will insist," Smith said.

"Imagine? An interesting word, PT9553. One might imagine you were going native," Key mused. "As for the Pollination Board, remind them that the Leadership has given me complete authority over Section 6 and its... members. I have designated Bella Bachelor as a Section 6 member. That is the end of the matter."

TransWorld Office Building, Magnolia Prominade, 2000

 A deep rich voice called Bella back to the present.

"Bella. Hello, Bella. You in there?"

"Sorry... thinking," Bella said. "You should try it sometime, Felix. A change of pace can be good."

Felix chuckled, "Why mess with what works. The boss wants us in her office, ASAP. Grapevine says our latest report's getting attention... the kind we don't want."

"Damn," Bella breathed.

"Tell her assistant we'll be up in 15," Bella continued, climbing off the treadmill. "I'm grabbing a quick shower. Bridges wants to see me, not smell me." 

"You need any help washing your back?" Felix leered amiably.

"At ease, Agent Light," Bella smirked. 

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