Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Chapter 42 - Karaoke Knight

"Come on," Genie said, "we've been talking about this forever."

"I'm not going," Mariah insisted.

"Oh, don't be like that," Miranda said, softening her words with a grin. "You might even have fun."

"Guys, I'm not going," Mariah repeated, before adding a patently false, "I've got to work on my Psych paper."

"Boo," Aadi jeered. "Just for that, you're definitely coming."

Mariah's response was interrupted by a chirp from her phone. "Merda... guys, I've got to get this."

"We're not done here," Aadi said in a sing-song voice.

"Yeah, yeah," Mariah laughed. "I'll be right back."

"Control," the distorted voice said.

"Knight," Mariah replied.

"Instructions from White Queen," Control said evenly. "You will coordinate with asset designated Bishop. Meet Bishop at the Planet Honey Pop club in the City, tonight at 20:00 hours. Recognition code 3."

"Wait a minute," Mariah interjected. "Honey Pop!? That's the karaoke club my roommates are going to... tonight! Is this some kind of joke? Did Miranda somehow put you up to this? Are you bugging my house?"

"Instructions from White Queen. Meet Bishop at the Planet Honey Pop club in the City, tonight at 20:00 hours. Recognition code 3," Control repeated, adding, "and Knight... have fun."

"Stronzo," Mariah cursed.

"OK guys," she called out. "Karaoke night is a go."


"Lord, somebody, oh somebody, please / Can anybody find me somebody to love?" Aadi crooned.

"Wow, Aadi's really good," Mariah said. 

She was actually having fun, despite herself. The long drive down to the City, courtesy of Miranda's mom's car service, had been relaxing. They'd grabbed a bite to eat at the food stalls (Miranda's disastrous attempt to use chop sticks would be enough for the roommates to keep her humble for a while) and explored the Fashion District a little before heading to the club.

"Aadi is fantastic," Genie laughed.

"I didn't hear you leave / I wonder how am I still here / And I don't want to move a thing / It might change my memory," Miranda serenaded from the stage.

"Now, she's amazing," Genie said

"The Raven Witch's daughter," Aadi smiled. "She's got the magic."

"You have no idea," Mariah breathed softly, entranced.

"Stop callin', stop callin' / I don't wanna think any more / I left my head and my heart on the dance floor," Miranda sang.

"Stop callin', stop callin' / I don't wanna talk any more / I left my head and my heart on the dance floor," Genie crooned.

"Hey, Snow, join us," Aadi called out to a passing woman with short dark hair. "Snow, this is Mariah, one my roommates. Mariah, Snow... Snow's part of the karaoke club when she's not hacking into banks or something."

"Nice to meet you, Mariah," Snow smiled as she took a seat at their table. "What I think Aadi means to say is that I'm a cybersecurity consultant."

"Toe-may-to, toe-mah-to," Aadi grinned.

"I help businesses identify vulnerabilities in their networks," Snow continued, "so people can't hack into the banks... when I'm not singing my heart out with that trio behind us."

"That was fun," Genie said, flushed and excited from her first attempt at karaoke.

"You were great," Aadi grinned.

"Come on, Mariah," Miranda said. "Your turn."

"What," Mariah laughed. "No! I said I'd come. I didn't say I'd sing!"

"Come on!" Miranda insisted, adding a sultry, "I'll make it worth your while."

"That's cheating," Mariah groaned.

"I come home, in the mornin' light / My mother says, 'When you gonna live your life right?'" Miranda bounced.

"Oh momma dear, we're not the fortunate ones / And girls, they wanna have fun," Mariah belted out gamely.

"Oh girls just wanna have fun," they sang together.

"OK, that was fun," Mariah admitted. "I was horrible, but it was fun."

"You did fine," Miranda laughed. "When we get home, I'll make good on that 'worth your while' thing. Right now, I'm parched. I'm hitting the bar. You want a drink?"

"Madonna," Mariah chuckled, "Yes, please."

"Mariah," Snow intercepted her as she made her way back to their table, "that was very good for a first timer."

"It showed, huh?" Mariah sighed.

"Maybe a little around the edges," Snow grinned. "I just wanted to say.... Bishop to Queen's Knight 3."

"What!?" Mariah blinked, completely thrown. "You? No!"

"Let's go sit somewhere quiet and talk," Snow said.

"Does Aadi know?" Mariah asked, sulkily. "Are they Agency too?"

"Aadi doesn't have a clue," Snow shook her head. "Well, now that I think about it, they probably have a clue... but just because they're smart and observant. Aadi's not Agency."

"So my roommate just happens to be friends with the spook Liberty sends to team up with me, at the karaoke club they both hang at?" Mariah said dubiously.

"Looking at the people you hang out with, I'd almost believe in fate," Snow chuckled. 

"And technically, I'm not Agency either. Civilian asset, like you," Snow continued.

"I'm still trying to deal with the coincidence/fate thing," Mariah sighed. "So, are you really a 'cybersecurity consultant'?"

"Aadi may have had it right the first time," Snow grinned. "Like I said, they're observant."

"You're a hacker? Seriously?"

"Hey, when I was your age, and going under another name, I was a the top underground hacker in Windenburg," Snow grinned. "I may have some winkles and a little grey in my hair now, but you know what they say about old age and treachery."

"No offense, but why does Liberty think I need help from a hacker?" Mariah asked.

"Because I'm also the Agency's source for information on the Windenburg vampire community," Snow said. 

"Wait," Mariah stiffened, "you're a..."

"Semi-retired vampire hunter," Snow replied. "I'd show you my scars but your girlfriend might get mad."

"This is unreal," Mariah shook her head.

"Welcome to the Great Game, Knight," Snow grinned. "Look, we have a lot to talk about and this isn't the time or the place. Liberty wanted us to meet here, get a look at each other, and we've done that. Meet me tomorrow, noon, at Laurel Library in Britechester. I'll tell you what I know about Ms. H. You wanted to get a handle on her, right?"

"Alright," Mariah answered, "I'm in."

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